AMD has thrown its hat into the virtual reality headset ring with its own device, the Sulon Q. The new headset brags some interesting features. Namely, not only is it completely wireless, but it’s also system agnostic; it’ll work without PCs and consoles.
The other major feature is that it features a Spatial Processing Unit, making it an augmented reality device that puts it in direct competition with Microsoft’s Hololens. If that weren’t enough, it enables the device to run virtual reality and augmented reality at the same time, leading to some incredible effects.
The Spacial Processing Unit, as noted in the reveal trailer for the Sulon Q, also has the additional ability to trick the viewer into thinking the space they’re in is larger than it really is, which would be a boon to those in smaller living spaces, especially if the game has the player walking around a virtual arena.
According to the hardware manufacturer, the Sulon Q boasts a four core AMD FX-8800P processor and an eight core R7 graphics chip. The device is also DirectX 12 compatible, with a 2560x1440 OLED display. It also includes proprietary earbuds for integrated surround sound.
Unfortunately, there’s no price or release date for the Sulon Q. If it’s reasonably priced, AMD may have serious competition for the Oculus Rift, the Vive, the PlayStation VR, and the Microsoft Hololens. Stay tuned.