I reviewed Bombshell earlier this year. The bugs were insufferable. There was a major glitch that kept me from even finishing the game. It was a hot mess.
A hotfix last month fixed some of the more pressing issues. Now, a 1.1 update is promising to address some of the remaining issues and alleviate some of the gameplay and design issues. And that’s good. It’s terrific to see a company addressing complaints and improving their product based on feedback.
But Interceptor’s CEO, Frederik Schreiber, once again addressed the game’s poor critical reception. “It’s true, games press was hot or cold with respect to Bombshell. But the game has a ‘Mostly Positive’ user rating on Steam right now, fluctuating between 70-75%, and it’s a relief to see gamers responding more consistently positive.” He added “We made this game for gamers, not the critics,” in a press release sent out to the same press which employs said critics.
I’d like to point out that in the official Steam announcement for this update, the developers say ”It’s not the best game, but we feel it’s a pretty good game, especially for the reasonable price.” That ‘reasonable price’ is $35, which is a hell of an ask for a game whose own developers can only muster the enthusiasm to say that it’s ‘pretty good.’
Bombshell is currently on sale for $23.44. The update includes a free series of challenge missions.