We heard rumblings yesterday that a trophy list had been uncovered which suggested that the original Dead Rising would be heading to PlayStation 4. Capcom responded and confirmed not only that bit of news, but revealed that the game would also be hitting PC and Xbox One, as well. The publisher promises more news soon.
Dead Rising was one of the first games to capitalize on the potential of the Xbox 360, and its open-world time constraints and goofy sense of humor helped it transcend being just a technical showpiece. Dead Rising 2 and 3 both made it to PC and were both solid sequels, but neither were quite as magical as the original.
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With the upcoming Dead Rising 4 set to return us to Willamette Colorado and the adventures of wartime photojournalist Frank West, it makes sense that Capcom would want to let PC and PlayStation players experience the original on their platform of choice.
We don’t yet know when this version of the original will be available, but the Christmas-themed Dead Rising 4 is set to release worldwide on December 6 for both PC and Xbox One. I’d expect the classic to come some time before that. (Thanks to Eurogamer.)