Hey, folks! We had such a good time with our streams this week that we’ve decided to make it a daily event! You can tune into GameWatcher’s Twitch channel Monday through Friday at 8PM GMT/4PM Eastern for an hour long stream of the latest and maybe greatest in PC gaming. We’ll be hitting big new releases, indie curiosities, and Early Access works-in-progress, so be sure to have a look for first impression gameplay footage of a wide variety of titles.
UPDATE: The stream is over, but you can still check out the archive below!
Today we’ll be having a go at an indie horror adventure called Vernon’s Legacy. Taking place in the early 1900s, you find yourself investigating the manor of a suddenly dead uncle. There will naturally be puzzles to solve, secrets to uncover, and horrors to confront. The vault beneath Dunkenhof Manor promises to hold a danger beyond imagination.
The title will be hitting Early Access March 31, featuring three of the game’s five total chapters. On the game’s Steam page, the developers say ”we need the help of the community to perfect the horror in the first part of the game and to create a grim climax for the remaining two chapters.”
There’s a glut of indie horror on Steam, but a game that properly executes on atmosphere and scares can still totally be effective. Will Vernon’s Legacy stand out in its genre? Join us at 8PM GMT/4PM Eastern to find out! You can also expect a feature-length preview from us later this month.
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