Steam seems to be getting a litlte bit of a visual overhaul if a post send out to developers over the weekend is anything to go by - and it is.
While we have no clear screenshots to see the impending visual changes, wording in the post leads us to believe the whole front page will cleansed of its clutter in due time with certain games being able to display larger images for clarity. The ‘Recommended for You’ section may be chopping down in favor of a more prominent ‘Popular Among Friends’ section instead - for those more interested in playing with their buddies whether invited or not.
While the changes are mostly only relevant to those selling titles on the platform, it’s good for users to understand just how Curators will continue to be given the spotlight on the landing spot of the biggest PC marketplace. Not only will certified Curators be able to recommend games the don’t particularly like, the system will be updated to show whether they’re actually giving crtiique of a title or simply offering up information not listed on the game’s store page itself.
There’s no set date for when these changes may occur, but you’ll certainly to notice when they do.