You know what sucks? The Division. At least, that’s what everyone on Steam seems to think. The recent Steam reviews seem to paint the game is a horrible light, judging by the 1,559 overwhelmingly negative reviews found on the game’s Steam page.
We find ourselves writing a lot about all the problems found in The Division. It seems Massive Entertainment (the developers behind The Division) may have tried to stretch themselves too thin when attempting to make this huge game.
Back in May, people found their characters disappearing from existence after patch 1.2. This was after the daily missions were removed for a period of time due to a game-breaking glitch. There has been glitch after glitch since the game’s launch back in March, and it doesn’t appear to be getting any better.
Reddit users have been upset about the way Ubisoft have dealt with The Division since launching the game. Fans feel Ubisoft have basically abandoned the game, letting hackers run wild throughout the Dark Zone. The only thing Ubisoft seem to care about is the DLC that they are releasing. After this year when the DLC is scheduled to finish, most players seem to think Ubisoft will simply let the game rot when they’ve finished releasing content for it.