Watch the video at the bottom of this page to see creative director, Hugo Martin, and executive producer, Marty Stratton, of id Software play though Doom’s campaign for an hour.
Judging by the video, it appears as though you won’t have to reload your guns during the game. The guns you hold have a certain amount of ammo in them and they won’t stop firing until you run out of bullets. You’ll also be able to hold a large amount of weapons at any given time, unlike the multiplayer mode which restricts you quite a bit. There are also weapon modifications you can make, for example you can modify guns to shoot in bursts, you can change the ammo to fire explosive rounds and so on.
The glory kills (melee kills that must be performed at a close range) look very important to the gameplay as the enemies drop health and ammo. A lot of people on the internet have been complaining about the amount of time a glory kill animation takes up. As Doom is a fast paced game, an argument has been made about glory kills become more of an integral gameplay component rather than a gimmick. This may be slightly annoying for some players, and while the glory kills are not necessary to play the game, it is clear that you are highly incentivised for using them.
The Doom series has always been difficult, now id Software have ramped up the difficulty even further. The developers in the video talk about the new Ultra Nightmare mode, it is Nightmare mode with a catch: One death ends the game. Yes, there is permanent death in the latest Doom game, but only on this mode!
Personally, I didn’t think very much of Doom before watching the broadcast. The campaign looks like it’s going to be great, and the developers mentioned it will last roughly around twelve to fifteen hours on the regular difficulty setting. Don’t forget that Doom also features a multiplayer mode which we played for quite a while, you can check out Chris Capel’s preview here.
Doom releases on May 13th for PC, Xbox One and Playstation 4.