With Yooka-Layle set to release in just a week's time, we're fast approaching a return to the golden age of platforming. And with Super Mario Odyssey set for release later this year, it's like we're back in the N64 era. And Right Nice Games want a piece of the action with Skylar & Plux: Adventure on Clover Island.
Shown off through a brief 1-minute trailer, Skylar & Plux manages to pull off a rather strange feat by sounding like an upcoming animated movie with its voice charms while seeming relatively short by introducing us to the island that's about to challenge the not-so-unusual combination of heroes.
Skylar & Plux are two anthropomorphic critters. Just like the good ol' days of the PlayStation 2 era, it isn't entirely clear which animals they truly represent. And, at the same time, it doesn't matter. They're here to solve a problem, and they're ready to flail their arms enough to do it. Skylar, at least, looks like they've taken a few running animation tips from Crash Bandicoot.
While Plux seems like your every-day talking bird, Skylar dons some tough looking armour and a mechanical fist that's sure to be put to good use on an island laid out like the a test of strength TV show airing on a Saturday night.
Skylar & Plux: Adventure on Clover Island is set to release next month on May 19. Judging from its $14.99 price tag, it isn't your overly ambitious attempt at redefining a genre. It's know what it wants to do, and knows its own worth.