If you're ready to download around 4GB of data today, you're ready to own your own home. In-game, anyway. The 'Homestead' update for The Elder Scrolls Online is now available for testing.
While the release of the public test server should have gone down smoothly yesterday, some last minute issues arose causing the game's technical staff to hold off on the implementation for just a little longer. Everything should be good to go now, however, so it's time to wipe your feet and plan your new abode.
Hopefully launching on-time next month, the Homestead update will offer up 2,000 items for players to lavishly decorate as many houses as they can afford. With some specific housing styles locked behind certain quests, players might have to hold off on their first-time buy until ticking off a few pre-requisites.
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Those with enough crowns to line their pockets, however, will be free to buy as many homes as they can handle. But of course, the massive update does more than add a place to rest your weary head. Master Crafting Writs have arrived alongside balancing improvements for every class and skill.
You can read the lengthy patch notes for yourself over here. Those looking to get involved in the early testing period should look to their launcher for the required information.