Depending on the faith in question, religion takes a slightly different turn every now and then. Branching out into communities that follow the same rules but while adding in a few extras isn't unheard of - and the Europa Universalis IV team are still tweaking how religion affects their grand strategy title.
Poking fun at how the players have been speculating and attempting to get to the bottom of another feature teased by the developers over the last few weeks, dev diary poster BJORNB is fine with letting them stew over the half-truths for a little while longer instead deciding to focus on Confucianism.
Having already been present in the game for some time now, the idealist lifestyle choice was bound to China and Korea without really serving any true function. Being rebirthed as Confucian Harmony, however, it's starting to take a new form.
Make The Most Of China And Japan With Europa Universalis IV: Mandate of Heaven
Keep Harmony high by focusing on stability over the years and completing Humanism Ideas and you'll see the nation's tolerance of the 'True Faith' rise with it. Let it slip, though, and you'll see tolerance drop with higher development costs taking over. Confucian Nations will be able to Harmonise with many different religious groups for various benefits around the board. Costing Harmony over the years, it's important to maintain nation stability to keep the numbers from falling too low. it's a long process, but your meshed group will be treated as the True Faith for the rest of the game should it succeed.
Of course, it's a game of politics and numbers and not one you're likely to understand without having a solid grasp of the game. You can read a more detailed desciption of the upcoming system through the official post on the Paradox forums. The changes are generally locked to the upcoming Mandate of Heaven expansion.
The base game is currently available at £7.57 through GreenManGaming's mid-week sale.