As virtual reality grew, there were two spaceship brawlers vying for attention as the true VR experience of the genre. Oddly enough, however, the one which stuck was a third contender - EVE: Valkyrie - and it's getting its fourth major add-on next week.
Going live on Wednesday February 15 'Wormholes' will become the next big thing for player's of CCP's VR take on their spreadsheet simulator universe of EVE: Online. A separate game set within the same universe, EVE: Valkyrie is more of a first-person space combat sim than a simulator about living the lazy parts of a space pirate's life.
Available on all three of the major VR platforms, the EVE: Valkyrie - Wormholes brings new game modes, Leagues (in an alpha state) and, of course, wormholes! These mysterious tubes will gain a new friend every weekend with each leading them to new challenges as a veteran pilot. Supermissles and mined control points are named as just a few of the endless combinations with many of them being kept under wraps. We don't know what's in there. Nobody does. Nobody.
Everyone Who Picked Up The Oculus Rift At Launch Got EVE: Valkyrie For Free
If you're fighting for fame, the Leagues should prove an ample addition already. Starting out in the Emerald league, it isn't hard to imagine the masses shooting each other down for a chance to climb the ranks through Sapphire, Ruby and Diamond. Good luck, everyone.
The update also brings HOTAS support for PlayStation 4 users - it's a little sad they've had to wait so long. CCP confirm there's still more in the pipeline for EVE: Valkyrie going forward. This isn't the last of our VR adventures just yet. Grab it through Steam.