Unless you're out there buying chocolate eggs for family members or eagerly anticipating the day they're deliver unto you what feels like a near-endless amount of confectionery on Easter Sunday, you likely don't really know when it is. It's this Sunday. But you may have better things to think about. Like Battlerite. Maybe.
While still technically in Early Access, Stunlock Studios is offering up a free week event for anyone curious enough about their current arena/brawler.
Rather than the Thursday/Friday-Monday affair typically employed by Free Weekend events offered through Steam, Batterite will be free for all between Tuesday, April 11 until Sunday, April 16. Meaning every portion of Battlerite will be up for grabs between those dates. That's 20 heroes, 8 maps and the game's first seasonal event - Bakko's Egg Brawl.
Announced Just Over A Year Ago, See How Battlerite Has Changed From Its Debut Trailer
Between those times, anyone and everyone is free to give Battlerite a shot without having to buy into the game through its Early Access bundle. Progress will carry over into the full version regardless of whether you pick it up during its current 33%-off sale or further down the line.
And for those already playing, this week also marks the release of Freya's legendary skin. So it's good news all round, really. Get in on it here once tomorrow rolls around.