Looking for more space to call your own? Pillage ships and annex planets in the latest Starpoint Gemini Warlords update.
Appropriately titled 'Planetary Assault', the newest big-name update to Iceberg Interactive's mix of strategy-action gameplay comes as the Early Access title moves closer to its proposed beta release in the second quarter of the year.
Being a title update, it isn't a paid-for expansion like it might sound for those a little out of the loop. The update itself packs in a few fan-favorite requested features that all seem to revolve around just grabbing and claiming just about anything you want in the dark recesses of space. Like a ship? Take it. Like a whole space station? Go for it. A planet? Why not. But we can guess it's not quite as easy as that. Hopefully.
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New battleship classes are available to construct with a new Tech group being added as a taste of what's to come. Stolen a whole ship? It's up to you whether it's time to melt it down for scrap, sell off whole, gift to the enemy for whatever reason or pick up some tips by reverse-engineering the thing. There's bug fixes and even a tweak to how the Context menu pauses the game when in use, too. In case you're not into random pillaging.
Check out the trailer down below to get the basics of the update out of the way. Feel the itch to loot the galaxy? Pick up a copy here.