Moonfall - it's likely not what you'd expect given its name. Not a sci-fi adventure by any stretch of the imagination, it's likely a name that could only make sense to those who play it.
But if playing it isn't on the cards right now, why not watch someone else play it? The phantoms of GameWatcher have pieced together a 30 minute straight-forward slice of gameplay footage either for those without the time to check out the game for themselves or for those needing to 'try before they buy', so to speak. We're told there's going to be a few more popping up in due course, too.
Starting things off by speaking to a few of the nearby guards stationed back in town, we're headed straight to the Silent Wetlands to do a bit of bit of good ol' fashioned monster slaying with our trusty axe in hand.
Fishcow Studio Brings Moonfall - A Hand-Painted Action-RPG - Out Of Slovakia
You'll be taking on the role of what's known as an Elemental Engineer - the self-proclaimed Children of Nature. Apparently appearing out of the ground from the very dirt below, these warriors wield melee weapons and certain magical abilities to defeat their would-be attackers in a number of ways while swiftly dodging and parrying those who get a little too close.
Moonfall released last week on April 12 through Steam. To get a look at its varied landscapes, check out the main trailer over here.