Warner Bros Interactive Entertainment has today announced Middle-earth: Shadow of War, the sequel to the critically-acclaimed Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor. Currently in development by Monolith Productions, Middle-earth: Shadow of War is set feature an original story with the return of Talion and Celebrimbor, who must go behind enemy lines to forge an army and turn all of Mordor against the Dark Lord, Sauron.
Players will wield a new Ring of Power created by Celebrimbor and head out to confront the deadliest of enemies, including Sauron himself, in a battle for Middle-earth. The open-world action-adventure game is brought to life once again through the expansion of the award-winning Nemesis System. The developers stated that “The personalization from the first game is now applied to the entire world where the environments and characters are all shaped by player actions and decisions, creating a personal world unique to every gameplay experience.” sounds ambitious to say the least.
“Following the amazing reception to Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor™, we massively expanded every dimension of the game, including the world, the story, the RPG systems, the core gameplay and of course the personal player stories of the Nemesis System,” said Michael de Plater, Vice President of Monolith Productions. “As lifelong fans of Middle-earth, we are so grateful to have the privilege to bring to life the most incredible fantasy world ever created in a new way, for a new generation. With Middle-earth: Shadow of War, we can’t wait to see the amazing stories players are going to create and share.”
Middle-earth: Shadow of War looks to expand the nemesis system with the introduction of followers who bring about entirely new stories of loyalty, betrayal and revenge. The Nemesis System is also expanded to create a unique personal world through Nemesis Fortresses, which will allow players to use different strategies to conquer strongholds and create personalised worlds with their unique Orc army. How this will shape into implementation is anyone’s guess at this point, but needless to say, my eye-brows are raised with interest.
Middle-earth: Shadow of War will be available for Xbox One, Project Scorpio, Windows 10 PC (Windows Store and Steam), PlayStation 4 and PlayStation 4 Pro beginning 25 August, 2017. Middle-earth: Shadow of War will be available as an Xbox Play Anywhere title meaning the dreaded windows 10 store.
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