Last week saw the regular Europa Universalis IV dev diary touch up the details of the upcoming 'Hungary Update'. There's no solid release date in mind just yet, but let's recap on its efforts.
Given the update's main piece of promotional material, we're looking at four major focuses this time around. Mod capabilities, sailor changes, events and an improved map.
Trin Tragula, Content Designer of the current Europa Universalis development team, handled last Tuesday's diary. It's mostly his work being pushed into the 1.21 'Hungary' update. Describing how Hungary plays a major role in why each campaign starts on November 11, 1444, there's a long list of reasoning and rational behind why Hungary is the core focus of this update.
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Being the focus, Tragula and his team are working to incorporate around 20 new events while reworking some of their current missions. New provinces have been added to Hungary in an effort to have them be a more compelling and influential target in the future. A select few other provinces have been split into smaller segments with new revolver countries added for historical accuracy and gameplay depth.
Of course, the official documentation goes into far more depth than we could in a single post. You can even real the preliminary patch notes here before they're condensed and added to our own page once the update goes live.
Again, there's no solid release date in mind this time around, but it's certainly close at hand.