Headsnatchers is an odd little project that was likely born out of the hypothetical question of “could decapitation be made family friendly?”, which someone took too seriously. A cartoony party-game that revolves around the mechanic of ripping off the heads of other characters and using those disembodied craniums to interact with the game world in various ways depending on map and game mode.
With PAX East showcasing a bunch of innovative and highly anticipated upcoming titles, Headsnatchers got a short stint in the spotlight with their own PAX gameplay trailer focusing on how heads will be used to interact with the environment as well as customization. Since your character’s head is also your most valued possession, it doesn’t hurt to trick it out. While from the neck down all characters share the same plump non-descript monochrome cartoony plush-toy body, the head can be customized in a multitude of ways, making sure that your toff stands out from the crowd of other attention-grabbing toffs.
With 4 game modes and 25 maps, all of which have their own differentiating mechanics and attributes, you’ll have a bunch of different ways to make use of the heads of your opponents. Whether loading them into cannons as ammo or whacking bits of the scenery with them, the heads will always be an integral part of the gameplay. All modes will be some variation on the theme of taking the heads of others while keeping your own, or getting it back if it was taken.
Headsnatchers will be available on PC and PlayStation 4 sometime during the Spring of 2018.