Despite mod tools not yet being available for the just released Final Fantasy XV on PC, this first mod for FF15 corrects some issues with the game that affect performance, load times and texture streaming.
The 'Special K' mini-mod for Final Fantasy 15: Windows Edition corrects the way the game loads icons for keyboard, causing hitching, as well as a fix for excessive SteamAPI overhead to improve performance.
Everything you need to know about Final Fantasy 15 Mods on PC!
You can pick up the mod here from user Kaldaien. The mod, titled "[Special K] FFXV Mini-Mod: Resource Mgmt. Performance", can easily be installed - simply extract the provided zip drive to the main FF15 game folder. Then while in the game press 'Ctrl + Shift + Backspace' to open up the Special K menu and choose what options you would like.
This is undoubtedly not the last mod that Final Fantasy XV will receive, as proper mod tools will be available from Square Enix soon. We were told in our interview with Game Design & Development Manager Kenichi Shida that "it won’t be a big gap, and we intend to be prompt in releasing new skins and upgrades going forwards".