Breakaway success and online sensation Fortnite: Battle Royale might be getting a dynamic loadout “LTM” (limited-time mode) sometime soon, based on a developer comment recently posted on the game’s Subreddit. When a player suggested a mode they dubbed “gun game”, developer Dusty Devo responded saying that such a mode has already been planned at Epic Games.
The mode, which would follow the principle of all players starting with the same weapon, however each kill they earn would change said loadout, was initially proposed by Reddit user Vapegodmasterman (yes, really). His suggestion saw players all starting with the basic pistol, with each kill upgrading their weapon to something with more kick. Devo, the developer who commented on the post, fielded the question whether players would prefer the loadout changes going from weaker to strong, as per the suggestions, or stronger to weaker.
It seems that the majority of players favor strong weapons moving towards the weaker end of the spectrum as the match progresses and kills are racked up. Additionally, the idea of the weapon loadout remaining universal - meaning if anyone gets a kill, all survivors have their weapons changes - is something most players oppose. The argument is that giving you progressively weaker weapons increases the challenge and tension, with a player doing well finding themselves in a situation where they are completely outgunned by the competition.
Devo also commented on other factors which would be altered to make this LTM work well. Fortnite uses a similar system as PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds to keep players in close proximity as the match progresses - an ever-shrinking save zone, outside of which it is impossible to survive for long. In Fortnite, this presents itself as a storm closing in from all sides, and Devo said that the storm would close in much faster.
All this being said, there is no actual guarantee that such a mode will be made at all, or when it would be made available if it is made. While it being on Epic’s shortlist makes it pretty likely that we’ll see such an LTM in the future, don’t take this as a confirmation.