Pillars of Eternity 2: Deadfire is the soon upcoming sequel to one of 2015's best roleplaying games, however fans will be waiting a bit longer than previously thought. In an email sent out by Obsidian today, a one-month delay was announced. Game delays are more and more frequent, though in the grand scheme of things this delay is a short one.
A second crowdfunding success story to follow the previous installment, Deadfire was slated for release on the 3rd of April, though launch has been pushed back to the 8th of May. The additional time is needed by the developers to further polish the game and iron out any issues, and I think this is a fair trade-off. Backers have had some measure of access to the game, though not in its full form, for quite a while now and their feedback is no doubt essential in fixing bugs and tweaking features to make the game ready for prime time.
Here's the official statement from Obsidian and Versus Evil:
We know you're as excited as we are about the upcoming launch of Pillars of Eternity II: Deadfire. As you have probably guessed, Deadfire is a huge game -- significantly larger than the original Pillars of Eternity. Obsidian has been working harder than Abydon himself to make every inch of it awesome, as well as incorporating all the great feedback we have been getting from everyone playing the Backer Beta.
With this in mind, we are taking just a few extra weeks to polish and put those finishing touches on the game.
Our new launch date will be Tuesday, May 8th, 2018. To tide you over until then, you can look forward to plenty of Deadfire-related news and content coming in the weeks and months ahead.
See you all soon in the Deadfire!
- Obsidian
Pillars of Eternity 2: Deadfire is a direct sequel to the previous game. It sees the disembodied god Eothas taking control over the vast adra statue beneath the Watcher's stronghold in Od Nua, and taking a stroll to the tropical Deadfire archipelago leaving death and destruction in its wake. Since you're the closest thing to an expert on the matter, and Eothas did wreck prime real estate, it falls to you to follow him and stop him.
Check out our hands-on preview of Pillars of Eternity 2: Deadfire here.