Mutant Year Zero: Road to Eden is an upcoming XCOM-alike set in an odd, yet intriguing universe where anthropomorphised animals are essentially part-and-parcel. Oh, yes, they do murder each other too, can't not mention that!
Mutant Year Zero Release Times haven't been known up until recently, when one of the developers revealed exactly what time does Mutant Year Zero release on Steam. If you're curious when exactly will you be able to plunge into this post-human catastrophe, read on.
Mutant Year Zero Steam Release times were recently revealed via a simple Reddit post, where one of the developers responded saying that the game is set for a 18:00 CET unlock time. This means 10:00 PT / 13:00 ET / 18:00 BST.
Mutant Year Zero: Road to Eden promises a deep, turn-based, tactical combat system inspired by the great TBS strategies of the last few decades, but combined with a free-form sort of exploration you'd expect from the likes of Fallout, Wasteland, or the like.
For a thorough check-up on whether your machine would be capable of running Mutant Year Zero: Road to Eden, be sure to reference our requirements guide, and stay tuned for more news on this curious title.