Anthology of Fear is an upcoming first-person psychological horror experience that combines three separate stories into one unique game. While we don’t know yet if these stories will somehow overlap or touch upon each other, we do know they’ll be quite distinct in the gameplay department.
This promising package is primed to release on PC in about a year, in Q1 2020, though the developers, RG Crew, promise that a Nintendo Switch launch is happening down the line as well.
Anthology of Fear’s main draw will definitely be its three unique horror stories. According to the game’s Steam page, one will take place in remote Russia, in the early 20th century, one will be a contemporary drama in an ordinary home, and the last one will deal with “unreal events between shreds of reality”. Colour us intrigued.
Each story will, apparently, come with unique gameplay mechanics that focus on solving puzzles without resorting to jump scares. RG Crew aims to deliver the horror via the atmosphere and psychological tricks, which is most agreeable.
The developers are a small game dev studio dedicated to producing horror games, and Anthology of Fear marks the first title they’re working on with a publisher, Ultimate Games S. A. While there’s not much information on it yet, we are excited to see what these two companies have in store for us with Anthology of Fear.