Apex Legends is the hottest game around right now, and if you want to be any good at it at all you'll need to learn all the Apex Legends abilities for all the characters in the game.
If you haven't really got into the game yet, you may have heard your friends or websites talk about jump pads, smoke launchers, gas grenades, and stims, and you're probably wondering, which of these is an ability in Apex Legends? Are they weapons or items that can be picked up? Well, to answer those questions, they're actually all abilities in the game. Here's all abilities for all characters, including new guy Octane.
Apex Legends Abilities - Which of these is an ability in Apex Legends?
All playable Legends in Apex Legends have three abilities altogether: Passive, Tactical, and Ultimate. The Passive ability is a bonus they have on at all times. Tactical is a special item you'll have to learn to use effectively. Ultimate can only be used at certain points, but it's a character's most powerful special ability.
Here's a list of all Legends in the game, along with all three of their special abilities:
- Passive Ability: Swift Mend - Recover health
- Tactical Ability: Stim - Move faster at the cost of some health
- UItimate Ability: Launch Pad - Throw a jump pad to quickly escape
- Passive Ability: Double Time - Increased movement under fire
- Tactical Ability: Smoke Launcher - Smoke grenade
- UItimate Ability: Rolling Thunder Artillery strike
- Passive Ability: Tracker - See player footprints
- Tactical Ability: Eye of the Allfather - reveal hidden enemies and traps
- UItimate Ability: Beast of Hunt - move faster and highlight enemies
- Passive Ability: Nox Vision - see through gas attacks
- Tactical Ability: Nox Gas Trap - will detonate when shot
- UItimate Ability: Nox Gas Grenade - a massive gas attack
- Passive Ability: Gun Shield - aiming down sights gives you a shield
- Tactical Ability: Dome of Protection - a 15-second-long defensive dome
- UItimate Ability: Defensive Bombardment - mortar strike
- Passive Ability: Combat Medic - revives allies faster, healing items have more effect
- Tactical Ability: D.O.C. Heal Drone - healing drone for yourself and allies
- UItimate Ability: Care Package - summon a drop pod with decent defensive items
- Passive Ability: Encore! - deploy a decoy and cloak when knocked down
- Tactical Ability: Psych Out - sends a decoy running away
- UItimate Ability: Vanishing Act - sends a team of decoys out
- Passive Ability: Insider Knowledge - reveals the shrinking circle's next location
- Tactical Ability: Grappling Hook - shoot across long distances quickly with a grappling hook
- UItimate Ability: Zipline Gun - create a zipline for your whole team to use
- Passive Ability: Voices from the Void - you're told when an enemy is aiming at you
- Tactical Ability: Into the Void - turn invisible and move faster, at the cost of not being able to see other players
- UItimate Ability: Dimensional Rift - set up portals for your team to travel between