Apex Legend recently began its fifth season Quests, but many players are reporting connection problems since then. A never-ending Attempting Connection message has ground many peoples PvE quests to a halt.
The issues have impacted Apex Legends players across all platforms. The server side problem was resolved quickly according to the official twitter account, but should you see the message again, know there’s nothing you can do but wait for the servers to come back online or follow server status updates.
Apex Legends Attempting Connection
Here’s what the Official Apex Legends Twitter account said about the Attempting Connection issues:
“Heads up, Legends: We are aware of and investigating connectivity issues impacting Apex across all platforms. We will continue to update you here as we have more information.”
We’ll keep you posted about any other Apex Legends connection issues that might come up, but if you’re struggling with any connection issues in your game, you can see if other players are experiencing issues here, or check in with the Apex Twitter feed.
Apex Legends is available on PC, Xbox One, and PS4.