Apex Legends’ Battle Pass suffered a series of changes in Season 7 which the community was quick to criticize.
As soon as they hopped into the new season, Apex Legends players noticed that it took them considerably longer to progress through Battle Pass ranks.
In a recent Reddit AMA, Respawn Entertainment Director of Comms Ryan Rigney further explained the developer’s reasoning behind changing what seemed to be a working Battle Pass model.
Apex Legends Players Were Completing Its Battle Pass Too Quickly
“We’ve seen in our data that most players were completing the battlepass about 2/3 through the season and then not having much left do to in the season. We believed that players would enjoy playing the game if they always had something to progress and earn, so we adjusted our challenges to hopefully give players something to accomplish in that final month of a season.” Rigney said.
“This change had the players intest in mind, and was calculated in a manner that would still allow the majority of our players to finish leveling without purchasing additional levels.”
He went on to explain that the Apex Legends Battle Pass “is about keeping players engaged throughout the season” and that the developer didn’t intend for it to feel too grindy.
The initial version of the Apex Legend Season 7 Battle Pass replaced raw XP numbers with stars, ten of which were required to rank up.
Daily challenges were reworked and unique weeklies added, granting between one and five stars once completed.
Shortly after fans started complaining about the slow progression speed, the developer halved the XP required to get one Battle Pass star and reduced the time it took to complete weekly challenges.
Rigney also added that Respawn has “more changes planned in the future to give players more agency on challenge completion.”
Apex Legends’ Season 7 is now live and proved to be quite popular on Steam.
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