Apex Legends has kicked off its System Override Collection Event which comes with the Deja Loot limited-time mode in which loot spawns in fixed locations on the map.
Usually, Apex Legends’ loot is fully randomized, which makes the mode stand out quite a bit. Fixed loot locations also allowed a member of the community to put together a map guide on where you’re bound to found different goodies for the duration of the event.
Apex Legends Deja Map Loot Locations Guide
Reddit user Skovosity has put together a map that keeps track of loot locations during Apex Legends’ Deja Loot limited-time mode.
The map acts as helpful loot locations guide, tracking care packages, gold barrels but also evo armor locations.
Evo armor (or Evo shield) is an item exclusive to Apex Legends’ Deja Loot limited-time mode, which starts out weaker than a white body shield, gaining power as you damage non-downed opponents.
The Evo shield can potentially grow stronger than its purple counterpart, the Epic body shield.
Other members of the community have also contributed to the Deja Loot map. If you want to check it out for yourself, you can find it has its own Reddit thread.
Apex Legends’ Deja Loot limited-time mode lasts from March 3 until March 17, for the entire duration of the System Override Collection Event.
The first week takes players to World’s Edge, while the second moves the action over to Kings Canyon, likely warranting a new loot location map.