Battalion 1944 is a WW2 first-person shooter that's come out at just the right time, since there's little in the way of competition in this particular niche at the moment. Plenty of people are looking into optimising the game's sometimes spotty performance, too, but the game's obscure graphical options, such as use forward renderer aren't that simple to figure out.
Battalion 1944 use forward renderer is a very particular graphical setting that doesn't work in a very intuitive way, so let us describe what it does and how.
Battalion 1944 Use Forward Renderer
Perhaps working against your intuition, the way to go with the forward renderer option if you're looking for a potentially substantial framerate boost in Battalion 1944 is to turn it on. The screenshots above clearly showcase the difference, with left image being at 'off', while the one to the right has the option 'on'.
The images themselves are a courtesy of one of the game's Redditors, who also explained that, while setting the forward renderer option to 'on' grants him a significant increase in framerate on his machine, this may well not be the case with others.
In any case, turning the option on will disable a wide variety of effects, and may greatly affect the quality of your visual experience of Battalion 1944. If you're chasing to squeeze that one last bit of FPS out of the game, though, be sure to fiddle with this option, too.