Bloodstained Ritual of the Night has been making headlines today, and for good reason - it's a great game however you look at it. Its mix of retro and modern is a refreshing take on Metroidvania, and one of our favourite Bloodstained features are the Cheats.
Yes, you read that right - Bloodstained cheats aren't of the usual kind, though. At least not for the most part. These are the old-school cheats which you input by using a unique code, and then enjoy their effects. Best of all, we've got a comprehensive list prepared for your consideration!
Bloodstained Cheat List
Just below, you're going to find an astonishing number of cheats that you can input by changing your in-game profile name. Some of them are rather straight-forward, such as BIGHEAD, while others such as 8MEGAPOWER will unlock entirely new weapons for you to use.
| 8MEGAPOWER | AKindaFunnyMask | ALPHAOMEGASIN | AWESOMEVIDEOGAMES | BIGHEAD | BigMustache | BULLFIGHTER | chuggaaconroy | ClockSowrd | DUNGEONITE | DungeonNightSword |
| EGGFARM | Egoraptor | EvilTheSword | Grumps | HumptyDumpty | INTHEBATHROOM | Jarvis | JEPSON | KongSword | LoveOfBenki |
| LoveOfPizza | Mega64Head | Meower | NIGHTMARE | PlagueDoctorFace | Plan9FOSpace | PowerSword | SilverAndBlackSword | SPONGYVINE | STEPHENPLAYS |
| swimmingbird | SwordOfTheMushroom | TEAMFAT | The-BazMask | TheSpeedGamers
Keep in mind, for most of these we've got no idea on what they actually do - we've come across such a substantial and comprehensive list owing to the efforts of one of the Bloodstained forum users, to whom we extend our thanks!
All that's left for you to do, really, is to go out and start inputting these things like a madman! Happy hunting!