The New Frontier Pass featuring a series of regular expansions is due on May 21st and will open with the Maya & Gran Colombia Pack. Last week we looked at Lady Six Sky and her Mayan people, and Firaxis have now revealed their first look at Gran Colombia.
Gran Colombia is the second civilisation expected as part of the Maya & Gran Colombia Pack and looks to focus on rapid movement and military aggression, which is not surprising since its Simón Bolívar, a man who led much of South America to Independence against Spanish rule.
Civilization 6: First Look at Gran Colombia
- Ejercito Patriota - Grants +1 movement to all units and promotions no longer end that unit's turn.
- Campana Admirable - Every time Gran Colombia enters a new are, it earns a Comandante General. This Great General grants passive and active effects including increasing combat bonuses to cavalry, upgrading military units, adding trade routes, or AOE damaging enemy units.
- Llanero - Musical warrior replacing the cavalry unit, it becomes stronger for each adjacent Llanero. If a Comandante General activates their ability nearby they also regain all lost health.
- Hacienda - A tile improvement that provides Production, Gold, and Housing bonuses. Also gains a food bonus for each adjacent Plantation, and a further Production bonus for adjacent Haciendas.
The Maya & Gran Colombia Pack will be available from May 21st for the price of £7.39, or £32.99 if you buy the New Frontier Pass which includes all 6 of the coming expansions. If you’re curious about what’s already known about the Frontier Pass you can read our summary here.