If you’ve been dabbling into Code Vein lately, the Hot Springs found within your Home Base might have made you raise an eyebrow, thanks to their distinctly non-bloody nature.
The concept of an area solely dedicated to relaxation in a souls-like game is rather foreign. That being said, it’s only one role the Code Vein Hot Springs play. Here’s everything we know about the area.
Code Vein Hot Springs
You can access the Code Vein Hot Springs from your home base. Head towards the back and to the right of the mirror where you can change your character’s appearance. You should spot a blue door with white graffiti on it. Walk towards it and a prompt should appear telling you to press “E” to go to the Hot Springs.
Once inside, your character will have automatically equipped something more comfortable, just like all the others in the Hot Springs. Going forward will lead you to an area with chairs and, well, hot springs. You should see some of the characters you’ve met during your journey relaxing inside. From there, you have a number of options.
You can either sit on one of the nearby chairs to take a breather or head into the nearby hot spring. If you choose the latter, you’ll have the option to “Look Back on Past Memories”. This is useful if you want to brush up or remember details about Code Vein lore.
Aside from relaxing, however, the Code Vein Hot Springs have another function that can be quite useful gameplay-wise. From what we can tell, simply using the springs results in recovering half of your lost Haze without having to reach your corpse. The only downside is that the other half will be lost forever.
In case you’re unaware, Haze in Code Vein is used as both currency and experience. Amassing it is fairly important to developing your character. You lose it upon death and have the option to recover it either from your corpse or from the Hot Springs. The former should make the similarity to Souls in Dark Souls pretty obvious.
That’s all we currently know about the Code Vein Hot Springs. For more help with the title, check out our guides on romance options, the Elegant Fountain Pen, and the Butterfly of Delirium boss.
Code Vein is out now on PC, Xbox One and PS4.