Command and Conquer Remastered has passed its Content Alpha stage, which means that the development team no longer relies on legacy or placeholder pieces.
“Every frame of animation, every tile of terrain, every second of audio, and every piece of UI has received a remastered pass.”, Producer Jim Vessella revealed in the latest monthly Reddit update.
Command and Conquer Remastered Content Alpha Stage
The milestone lets the development team “play both games in a completely remastered fashion” which makes it easier to identify the areas that require polish.
The remainder of the monthly Reddit update focuses on multiplayer in Command and Conquer Remastered which, according to Vessella, “has effectively been rebuilt”.
The title’s multiplayer “runs on dedicated servers based on Petroglyph’s architecture”, the team feeling confident about the stability” provided by the architecture.
The Online portion of Command and Conquer Remastered will allow players to host or join custom multiplayer games. Lobbies will then let them choose team setups, select maps, chat with other players and set various game rules.
On the subject of game rules, Vessella said that the developers are “aiming to support the most relevant multiplayer options, from starting resources and units to flagging Crates or Visceroids” and considering additional options “based on guidance from the Community Council”.
Bot Tiberian Dawn and Red Alert will also receive 1v1 Quickmatch mode that will focus on competitive play and feature an Elo-based matchmaking system.
Replays and the ability to view games as an observer will also be part of Command and Conquer Remastered.
There’s still no word on a release date, but with this year marking the 25th anniversary of the series getting the remastered version of the first two titles would be a welcome treat for fans.