Publisher Electronic Arts and developer Petroglyph Games have shared more details regarding Command and Conquer Remastered, the latest monthly update focusing on EVA’s voice lines.
For those unaware, EVA, also known as the Electronic Video Agent, acts as battle interface and advisor to commanders on both the GDI and NOD side in Command and Conquer Tiberian Dawn, being the voice you hear whenever you’re low on resources, a unit is recruited or a nuke is headed your way.
Command and Conquer Remastered EVA
EVA’s original voice actress, Kia Huntzinger has been confirmed to reprise her role in Command and Conquer Remastered. In this month’s update, composer Frank Klepacki shared a story of how Hunzinger ended up as the voice of the Tiberian Dawn advisor.
“We only had just begun acquiring improved gear, but we were making do with whatever limitations we had to work with, such as average microphones, preamps, and the not-so-practical rooms we recorded in. It was the wild west of development – we cast people within Westwood Studios for various voice roles. One larger voice role however, was the part of EVA. Kia Huntzinger worked at Westwood, and our Audio Director Paul Mudra thought she might be a good fit based on hearing the recorded voice messages she left on our phones and paging she did over the intercom system.”, Klepacki recounts.
“In many ways, she was the unofficial voice of the company once you made it past the front door because we listened to her throughout the day. She was excited to give it a shot, and the original voice session was recorded in a padded closet! Everyone liked the quality of her voice in that role, and the rest is history.”, he continues.
While the tapes with the original recordings were lost, Command and Conquer Remastered will feature both the original voice lines as well as ones recorded with modern-day technology and in a professional setting, by the same Kia Huntzinger. You can hear a comparison between the old and new voice lines in the post itself. Both will be part of the remaster.
The update also touches on Command and Conquer Red Alert’s Announcer which, sadly, won’t be getting the same treatment. The Announcer was originally voiced by Martin Alper who passed away a few years ago. Petroglyph and EA “didn’t feel it would be the same to replace his performance with another actor”, so they will simply clean up the original audio as best they can.
Command and Conquer Remastered is currently in development for PC. More details on the project’s progress will be shared going into 2020.