When it comes to Cyberpunk 2077, the hype is practically palpable. In a sense, it is similar to what the gaming community was going through when The Witcher 3 was announced, although on a bigger scale, because who doesn't love a good cyberpunk story every now and then?
One of the biggest differences compared to The Witcher 3, CD Projekt RED's previous title, is that we're going to be getting a right and proper character customization screen with Cyberpunk 2077, and a major question many are concerned with now is just what is this going to look like. Read on for some details on this key feature of the game.
Firstly, there are the basics: we'll be able to choose our protagonist's gender, and edit their facial structure and hairstyle, as one does. It is still unclear what the selection will be like, though word is that there should be a fair bit of different stuff to choose from. Additionally, one's gender may affect certain quests and storylines as the game goes on. Expect tattoos and makeup as well, of course.
We will also have to set up our character's history or Life Path, as it is called, similar to what Mass Effect did with Shepard. This will dictate some plot details as well, and potentially even the way in which our character interacts with the world around them to some extent.
There is clothing customisation, with certain apparel being key to getting to some areas in the city. Clothes will also affect the protagonist's 'street cred', though it is still not known whether clothing will have any sort of stat-boosting in practice. No microtransactions, mind. Worth a mention for sure.
Players will have to distribute their point pool across six different stats, these being Strength, Constitution, Intelligence, Reflex, Tech and Cool. Standard RPG fare, more or less. There will also be three classes: the Solo, the Netrunner, and the Techie, and players' perk selection and upgrades are going to affect where exactly the player character sits in this skill tree.
Also important is the protagonist's apartment, which will fill up with items, weapons and apparel as players progress through the game. There will be more than one apartment to choose from, and players will be able to upgrade from one to the other as the story goes on.
This is all we've been able to gather so far, but more info is sure to drop as time goes on, so stay tuned!