Disco Elysium’s unique skill system and quality writing have propelled it among the greats of the cRPG genre. As demanding and rewarding as the likes of Planescape Torment and providing its own twists to set it apart, Xbox Game Pass subscribers are wondering whether or not it might be coming to the service or its PC counterpart in 2021.
Detective stories have always fascinated people, regardless of medium, and the knowledge that you can be extremely successful or a woeful failure adds some appeal to Disco Elysium’s take on things. Having it available on Xbox Game Pass would also make it easier for people unsure about how difficult its skill system is to grasp or not used to story-heavy games to give it a go.
Disco Elysium is currently not available on Xbox Game Pass, which mostly has to do with the game not having been released on Microsoft’s consoles yet. The title’s digital version will, however, arrive on Xbox on October 12, but the subscription service was not mentioned in its announcement.
Its PC version, which has been out for a while, is also not available on Xbox Games Pass for PC.
Whether or not that will change after Disco Elysium’s Xbox version launches remains to be seen. At the moment, however, you’ll have to go with a traditional purchase if you plan on getting the game. Luckily, the end of the year means that sale season is almost upon us.
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