Mastering each of Doom Eternal’s weapons is one way to make the Doom Slayer even stronger in his battle against Hell’s demons. But while completing the mastery challenges for each mod is a good way to test your skills, Mastery Tokens expedite the process so you can blow stuff up better.
Here are the locations of all seven Doom Eternal Mastery Tokens, to help you get past those mastery challenges that are giving you too much trouble.
Doom Eternal Mastery Tokens
Taras Nabad Mastery Tokens
Progress through the level until you reach a courtyard with a large statue on the opposite side. Turn left, move towards the wall, then turn left again to spot a portion that can be broken using a punch. Do so, walk past the Secret Encounter, then take the vent on its left.
Use the green button in front of you and you’ll move a statue in the courtyard while opening a previously locked gate. The moved statue also makes way for you to get out. Go forward, turn right, then go through the opened gate to get your first Taras Nabad Mastery Token.
The second Taras Nabad Mastery Token is on the critical path near the end of the level. Upon dropping down in the room with the teleporter that takes you to the next level, look to your left and you should easily spot it.
Nekravol Mastery Tokens
Progress until you reach the area in which you can shoot buttons to prompt spikes to crush anyone unlucky enough to find themselves underneath. Afterward, find the first Praetor Suit Point, which shouldn’t prove too difficult if you’re using the AutoMap.
From the first Praetor Suit Point, turn around, go forward, make a right and go up the stairs. Keep moving forward while walking under the spikes and you should spot the first Nekravol Mastery Token on the other side of the room.
For the second Nekravol Mastery Token, progress until you reach a corridor with two spiked wooden slabs slamming onto the ground one after the other. Dash in as the first slab goes back up, punch the breakable wall on your right and step inside. You’ll not only get a new Toy but also find the Mastery Token.
Nekravol - Part II Mastery Token
From the bridge on which you start the level, walk forward past the first set of statues and drop down right beside the second statue on the left to find a jump pad. Use it to get on the pillar in front, with the rotating flame trap.
Go around until you reach a 1UP, then jump to the sticky wall on the next pillar with a rotating flame trap. Climb up, look on the left and you’ll spot Doom Eternal’s Nekravol - Part II Mastery Token.
Urdak Mastery Tokens
Progress until you see a door blocked by lasers on the other side. Shoot the green button underneath, then dash through it. Turn around and look upwards to spot another green button. Shoot it to lower a platform and jump on it.
Wait for it to go back up, then grab onto the sticky wall above. Climb up, turn around and jump off. Walk forward and jump to the platform in the middle of the room to grab the first Urdak Mastery Token.
For the second Urdak Mastery Token, use the monkey bars and sticky walls to get to the area with the Doom 2016 - Rip and Tear Album. From there, you should spot a small opening on your left.
Jump to it, turn left and climb up. Turn around, jump to the platform on the opposite side and you’ll have collected the seventh and final Doom Eternal Mastery Token.
For more help with Doom Eternal, check out our guide on obtaining the Phobos Skin.