Elite Dangerous: Odyssey was recently revealed as the expansion that will introduce new features like on-foot exploration to Frontier Developments’ space sim, however, this comes at a cost for VR enthusiasts.
The developer has announced that Elite Dangerous: Odyssey will not launch with VR support, citing its new additions as the reason behind the decision.
Elite Dangerous: Odyssey VR Support
“Currently, Elite Dangerous: Odyssey will not be VR-compatible at launch. We’re big fans of VR and we are truly proud of the amazing experience that we currently offer in Elite Dangerous. However, the new gameplay, mechanics and features that will be introduced with Elite Dangerous: Odyssey means that we had to re-examine if we could deliver that same experience without compromise, which, for launch, means Odyssey will not be VR-compatible.”, Community Manager Tim Smith wrote on the game’s forums.
In addition to Elite Dangerous: Odyssey’s lack of VR support at launch, Smith also revealed that base building is not on the roadmap for Frontier’s space sim.
The Odyssey expansion will also be included in the Lifetime Expansion Pass at no extra cost.
Although the post doesn’t exclude the upcoming expansion getting VR support at a later date, players looking to experience it that way will certainly have to wait.
Elite Dangerous: Odyssey is currently aiming for an Early 2021 release window.