Normally an event is held on schedule, and the Fallout 76 Fasnacht Parade Event was expected to be live between May 25th and June 2nd. Unfortunately, an issue discovered after the event start time has caused Bethesda to roll back the changes, meaning Fasnacht Parade is currently delayed.
Fallout 76 players are no strangers to game breaking bugs, but recent updates have seemingly steered development back on track. Is this a return to the old days or just a stumble on the road to better days?
Fallout 76 Fasnacht Parade Event
Bethesda has announced that they “are actively investigating a fix for that issue and plan to re-enable Fasnacht Parade as soon as a fix is ready to go,” and “are looking forward to bringing back Fasnacht as soon as possible.”
What this means to the players is that there is currently no confirmed timeline when the Fasnacht Parade can be expected to return, and as of time of publication, there have been no updates as to the fixes or a rescheduling of the event.
We will keep you updated with any changes and in the meantime, you can read up on more Fallout 76 related news.