Far Cry New Dawn features one of the largest selections of allies ever found as part of a Far Cry game (perhaps even the largest, short of Far Cry 2), and it's a given that at least one of them would focus on being a sharpshooter of some sort. That's Far Cry New Dawn's Nana for you.
Far Cry New Dawn Nana is going to require of you to complete her special quest before she even considers joining your crusade. As a badass marksman, hers may well be an invaluable skill set to add to your roster of helpers, so do consider giving it a go!
How do you Get Nana in Far Cry New Dawn?
Nana can be found at her special shooting rage not far off the very centre of Hope County, as depicted on the map above. There, she'll challenge you to a shooting contest that gets pretty hectic by the time it's all said and done.
Target Practice plays out in four stages, starting off with plinking at 10 Highwaymen helmets set up on poles, each marked by a specific red light. Do note that hitting the first one will trigger a countdown, however. You'll have to complete another helmet plinking task afterwards, and then one with balloons before moving on to the final stage.
Finally, Nana will call in a Highwayman assault force that two of you will then have to eliminate, after the completion of which Nana is going to join you and your crew of unseemly mismatches.
What Does Nana Do in Far Cry New Dawn?
As we've mentioned before, Nana is a sniper/marksman character. Equipped with a high-powered DMR, she offers support from far away, and her active skills reflect this, too, along with an added dash of stealth to bolster your own sneakiness.
At 0 kills, Nana just slaps silencers on top of all her rifles, but as soon as she kills 15 enemies, she'll be able to see through smoke too, while 40 kills will award her the ability to straight-up shoot through cover. All this combined makes Nana a formidable long-range support character that's sure to come in handy no matter what.