The wait is over. Final Fantasy 7: Rebirth is finally available on PC after a nearly 12-month exclusivity window on PS5. After strong critic reviews, players are enjoying everything this graphically superior version has to offer while also tinkering with many of its parts. That’s where Final Fantasy 7: Rebirth Console Commands and Cheats come in.
If you’re planning to jump into Cloud Strife and the gang’s overhauled adventure, don’t forget to play 2022’s Crisis Core: Final Fantasy 7 - Reunion (prequel) and Final Fantasy 7 Remake Intergrade (first part of the planned remake series) beforehand. Right now, it is unclear how many entries will arrive after Rebirth to wrap up the whole story (which is diverging from the original FF7’s storyline). Still, Square Enix has recently confirmed it won’t remain a timed Sony exclusive after Rebirth underperformed last year when the launch was limited to PS5.
Scroll down below to find the best and most useful Console Commands and Cheat Mods to spice up or tailor this JRPG adventure to your liking. As always, modify files and use console commands and cheats at your own risk. This might result in unpredictable game behavior and data corruption.
Final Fantasy 7: Rebirth Console Commands
Players and modders are still trying to figure out all the console commands for the fully unlocked Final Fantasy 7: Rebirth console, but since the game runs on Unreal Engine 4, it remains quite customizable. Keep coming back for new commands as they’re found.
First of all, you’ll need to download and install the mod FFVIIHook – Ini and Dev Console Unlocker here. Make sure to read the instructions and troubleshooting tips. Some players report issues while opening the console with the (~) key. This can be fixed by accessing the game’s input.ini file and changing it to a different free key on the keyboard.
Once you’ve got everything set up and have checked that the console works in-game, you can try using the commands below:
- toggledebugcamera – Toggles freecam. Repeat to disable.
- r.DynamicRes.OperationMode=0 – Disables dynamic resolution. Set to “1” to enable.
- r.DynamicRes.MinScreenPercentage=100 – Sets (based on percentage of the native res. setting) the minimum screen resolution the game can go down to if dynamic res. is enabled.
- r.setres=3840x2160f – Sets the game’s resolution. Use the desired values.
- fov 90 – Changes the game’s FOV to 90 degrees. Use the desired values.
More commands are being uncovered as we speak, but players report that most are only usable via the game’s actual .ini files. For this reason, we’ve only included the ones confirmed to work via the in-game console here.
Final Fantasy 7: Rebirth Cheat Mods
We’ve been keeping tabs on the best Final Fantasy 7: Rebirth cheats and mods released so far, but we’re still in the early days of the game’s meaty PC release, so expect more and better modifications to arrive in the coming weeks and months.
Below, you’ll find the most useful cheat mods available so far:
- Max Materia Slots – 8 slots – 4 pairs – all equipment
- Chapter VII save
- Field Of View mod
- Cheat Engine table for outfits
Max Materia Slots – 8 slots – 4 pairs – all equipment
This mod from Synthlight is very simple: It gives all equipment pieces max materia slots. The author states it was made for the Steam version of the game in the release build. It hasn’t been properly tested yet on other versions/builds.
Chapter VII save
This mod from bwong1006491 isn’t actually a mod but a modded save located at the start of Chapter 7 “with minimal side content completion.” According to the user, it’s for players who want to skip to the “meat and potatoes” of the game or just explore later sections to test graphics and/or mods. It must be noted that Cheat Engine was used “to max levels for characters, party, and craftsmanship.”
Field Of View mod
This mod from Alsanders10 is a simple C++ Console program that allows players to change the field of view in the PC version. You simply have to run the executable to user hotkeys that increase/decrease the FOV or go back to the default setting. This is very handy when compared to the console method we described above.
Cheat Engine table for outfits
This mod from Tifabro is actually a cheat table that allows players to change outfits for Cloud, Tifa, and Aerith “without visiting the changing booth.” They confirm it works before NG+ too, so it’s extra useful. However, you should beat Chapter 1 of the story first. Before following the install/use instructions, download Cheat Engine here.
Most Combative Team Members
Frustrated by your AI-controlled teammates lacking in the attack deparment, but don’t want to skimp on defense? In this mod, Cloud, Barret, Tifa, Aerith, RedXIII, Yuffie, and CaitSith will all attack more frequently without neglecting their defensive duties.
Field & Battle Character Swap Cheat Engine Instruction
The cool thing about this mod is that it makes your party system more flexible. With the mod, you’ll be able to roam the open world as Tifa or Aerith. On top of that, you can also fight without Cloud or with everyone in the party at once. It comes with some caveats which you can view on the mod page.
100% Steal and Drop Rate
Does what it says on the tin. Now, with this mod, you’ll have a 100% steal and drop rate. So every time you try, you’re a winner!
You can find more mods in our database here.
This mod list is maintained and updated by Fran, Jamie and Neil.
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