Gears 5 does offer a solo offline mode, but it places a heavy emphasis on its online features. Problem is that a lot of people are trying to play the game now, and it seems to have led to connection issues such as Campaign not loading and infinite Gears 5 loading times.
Tricky business, we know. Bad news is that all of these problems seem to be on the developers’ side of things. In other words, there’s painfully little we can do when the game is going through connectivity issues. We can, however, show you a trick or two that may help you out.
How to Fix Campaign Not Loading Error in Gears 5?
It would seem that the errors we mentioned above are all related to Gears 5’s currently unstable servers. While we can’t help you with the multiplayer side of things, we can show you how to fix the Campaign not loading error that you may or may not have encountered.
If you’re being plagued by said error, or if you’ve encountered extremely long Gears 5 loading times, your best bet is going to be to try and disconnect your PC from the Internet. This will automatically put Gears 5 into offline mode, and allow you to play the game solo while the devs do something about server-related issues.
It’s less than ideal, and quite inelegant, but it seems to work, according to our sources. Stay tuned for more info on this and other related Gears 5 problems. If you’d rather wait for servers to stabilise, though, you can check out our guide on how to get Supply Drops faster.