League of Legends has kicked off 2022 in force, with a new competitive season, champion, and multiple balance changes. As of yesterday, the MOBA’s Lunar Revel event 2022 is also underway, its start, end date, and rewards being now been unveiled.
LoL’s Lunar Revel event 2022 introduces several new skins for players to purchase, alongside many other cosmetic rewards obtainable through missions, its battle pass, or in-game store.
League of Legends’ Lunar Revel event 2022 has locked down its start date to January 26. If you’re reading this article, celebrations are very much underway. Its end date is then slated to occur on February 28, giving players a bit over a month to complete its various missions and grab as many rewards as they can.
- League of Legends Lunar Revel event 2022 start date - January 26 at 1 PM PT/9 PM GMT
- League of Legends Lunar Revel event 2022 end date - February 28 at 11:59 PM PT/7:59 AM GMT
The Lunar Revel 2022 Event Pass is now available for purchase, costing 1650 RP, as is its more expensive Lunar Revel 2022 Event Pass Bundle, which goes for 2650 RP.
The former grants access to the pass itself alongside 4 Firecracker Orbs and 200 Lunar Revel 2022 Tokens.
The latter also adds the Porcelain Lux Icon, Porcelain Lux Skin, and Lux Champion to the mix, being particularly worthwhile if you don’t yet own Lux and have been eyeing her as the next champion you want to learn.
A variety of new missions will be available for the duration of the event. Some can be accessed by all players while others require purchasing the pass mentioned above.
You can find more details about their objectives and rewards over on the MOBA’s support site, which is also where the pricing of new skins, chromas, and other purchasable items is detailed.
LoL’s Lunar Revel event 2022 introduces new skins from four different lines: Porcelain, Firecracker, Crystal Rose, and Withered Rose. With its start and end dates now covered, check out its trailer below.
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