When you’re not out hunting monsters in Monster Hunter World, you’re hunting the materials you need to craft the weapon or armor upgrades you need to take on the next. Lots of these materials are fairly self-explanatory in origin, but others take a little more searching around.
Bones are one such material that you’ll rarely find on a monster you hunt in the wild, so upgrading any piece of gear that uses things like Monster Hardbone, Brutal Bone or Sturdy Bone will take a little extra work on your part. We’re here to show you where to find these elusive crafting materials.
Monster Hunter World Ancient Bone Location
The Ancient Bone is one of the first bone items you’ll use to craft items in Monster Hunter World. Being a ‘Rarity 2’ item, it’s one you’ll use to craft weapons and armor of similar quality.
As you might have guessed from the name, you can find the Ancient Bone all across the Ancient Forest area. Look for Bonepiles in the Ancient Forest and dig through them for a chance to find Ancient Bone. The best areas to find Bonepiles containing Ancient Bone should be Ancient Forest areas 2, 8, 9, 10, and 12.
Monster Hunter World Boulder Bone Location
Climbing one rarity up, the Boulder Bone is a Rarity 3 bone used in weapon and armor crafts of similar quality. Unlike the Ancient Bone, the name doesn’t really help you out here until you really think about it.
Finding the Boulder Bone is ultimately just as easy as the Ancient Bone as it’s a fairly common find exclusive to the Wildspire Waste area of Monster Hunter World. Set out on an expedition or go on any quest to the Wildspire Waste and look for Bonepiles in places like area 11, 12, 13, 14 and 15. These are the network caves you might have come across in your fights against Barroth and Diabolos and range in size. Boulder Bones should be easy to find here.
Monster Hunter World Warped Bone Location
Taking another step up, the Warped Bone is a Rarity 4 material you’ll typically need in Rarity 3 weapons and armor – especially those from the Bone tree.
You’ll find the Warped Bone across the Rotten Vale. The zone is basically all about dead creatures and crusty remains, making Bonepiles a common sight here. The quickest way to farm Warped Bone is to travel to the first Camp on an expedition, drop off the ledge and go two areas to the left. You’ll climb into a bone pit with around 3 Bonepiles in close proximity. Search these and you should find your Warped Bone.
Monster Hunter World Coral Bone Location
As you might have already guessed, the Coral Bone is exclusive to the Coral Highlands zone of Monster Hunter World. Travel there on an expedition and look for Bonepiles for a chance to find the Coral Bone you’ll need for Rarity 3 or 4 weapon crafts.
You’ll find these all over the Coral Highlands, but Area 4 features more Bonepiles than most other areas in the zone, making your search for Coral Bones that much easier.
Monster Hunter World Dragonbone Relic Location
The Dragonbone Relic is just as the name implies – a relic. It’s a rare type of bone you’ll sparingly come across in your Monster Hunter World career. But, just like the rest, it’s an important gathering material used in a bunch of high-level weapon and armor crafts.
Finding the elusive Dragonbone Relic is a little tricky, but the upside is that they can be found in every area of the game rather than just a specific one like the Coral Bone or Warped Bone. One thing to note, however, is that you’ll only be able to find the Dragonbone Relic in ‘High-Rank’ expeditions and quests, meaning you shouldn’t worry too much about finding these until you’ve completed the trial of the First Wyverian and completed the quest that comes immediately after.
Then, and only then, will you be granted access to High-Rank quests and expeditions. You’ll need to ensure you’ve tabbed over to the High-Rank tab when selecting an expedition area on the World Map too, as you won’t find these in standard Low-Rank expeditions.
Monster Hunter World Brutal Bone Location
The Brutal Bone is a Rarity 6 item you’ll only need once you reach High-Rank and feel the immediate need for new armor and weapons. Just like the Dragonbone Relic, you won’t be able to find the Brutal Bone in any Low-Rank quest or expedition.
Unlike the Dragonbone Relic, however, Brutal Bone can only be found in a specific area in Monster Hunter World – Elder’s Recess. If you want to gather Brutal Bone in bulk, going off on an expedition to the Elder’s Recess is your only option where you’ll find it – albeit rarely – in the Bonepiles.
You’ll gain access to the Elder’s Recess soon after entering High-Rank and tracking down the mystery monster that appears from then on. Certain quests can reward you with Brutal Bone, too, but these typically take place in the Elder’s Recess where the bone spawns normally.
Monster Hunter World Monster Hardbone Location
Unlike every other bone we’ve listed here, the Monster Hardbone is about a hard find as can be. Monster Hardbone come directly from a monster you’re hunting and only appear in High-Rank quests and hunts.
You’ll struggle to farm Monster Hardbone in bulk, but look out for 7* quests and hunt their monsters for a chance to receive Monster Hardbone in your Quest Rewards. You’ll have a higher chance of receiving Monster Hardbone through Quest Rewards than on a monster itself, but beasts like Pink Rathian, Lavasioth and Odogaron are some of the better targets to go for here, as they either have a slightly higher chance to drop the bone or can drop two at a time.