Publishers Focus Home Interactive have announced the release date for Othercide, a game where the developers Lightbulb Crew really appear to live up to their name with their new trailer. The visuals scream otherworldly hell with dramatic greyscale art and pinpoint lighting.
Othercide is a tactical-RPG horror game set in a dark and mysterious universe where the player will be fighting nightmarish creatures formed from the worst of our sins. The game will come to PC, PS4, and Xbox One on July 28th and is also scheduled for a Nintendo Switch summer release.
Humanity’s last hope are the Daughters, echos of mankind’s greatest warrior and are all who stand between Suffering and death. How you use them will shape their abilities and personality. “Make the toughest decision and sacrifice one to heal another - survivors will get stronger, ready to fight the next battle.”
Othercide Release Date - Releasing in July for PC on Steam
Combat takes the form of elaborate chains of abilities, a dance of spectacular actions and counters, and what the developers are calling the Dynamic Timeline System which we’re keen to learn more about in the future after seeing the scenes from the trailer.
Othercide will release on Steam on July 28th and you can preorder now for 15% off the £29.99 retail price.
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