Outward is out now, letting players experience its mixture of open world RPG and survival elements. Instead of playing as a chosen one, the game puts you into the shoes of an ordinary adventurer. While exploring Vendavel Fortress, you’re bound to bump into a room with a treasure chest locked behind a door. In order to get to it, you’ll have to solve the the Outward Vendavel Fortress Puzzle.
Here’s everything we know about the Outward Vendavel Fortress Puzzle.
Outward Vendavel Fortress Puzzle
Similar to other open world RPGs, Outward doesn’t skimp on puzzles. You’ll know you’ve reached the Outward Vendavel Fortress Puzzle when you’re in a room that has six levers with circular handles hanging from the ceiling. You’ll also notice four distinct square patterns on the ground.
Pulling the wrong lever for the will send you down into a pit where you’ll have to deal with monsters. So, what’s the solution to the Outward Vendavel Fortress Puzzle? As you enter the room, you’ll want to pull the left side lever at the back (the 11 o’clock one). Doing so will open the gate leading to the treasure chest. There’s also a way of checking which lever is the right one in another part of Vendavel Fortress.
To be extra sure you’re pulling the right lever, the solution to the Outward Vendavel Fortress Puzzle can actually be found in the Vendavel Fortress prison. To reach the prison, you’ll have to descend the stairs from the puzzle room, go forward past a table with weapons and tools and take the first left. The solution will be on a wooden bed, in a room with two patches of green mushrooms. You’ll have to use a light source to see the solution, as you cannot interact with the piece of paper. Then, just backtrack, pull the lever and enjoy your fresh loot.