To level up quickly or earn substantial money in Phasmophobia, the optimal strategy is to participate in the weekly challenges offered by Kinetic Games.
These challenges present a variety of scenarios and conditions, so you may find yourself restricted in terms of the equipment you can use, or facing ghosts that possess super speed or hunt earlier than usual.
These hunts can be very challenging, so here’s some information on how to complete them.
What is Phasmophobia's Sanity Survival Challenge
The Sanity Survival challenge tasks players with nightmare difficulty in locating a ghost at 10 Ridgeview Court. Starting with only 75 sanity and contending with a malfunctioning breaker, participants are limited to Tier 1 items. While smudge sticks are off the table, you are permitted one Sanity Pill and Tier 2 candles. Those who emerge victorious are rewarded handsomely with a substantial XP boost and $5000 in-game currency, which can be spent on gear in the game’s freshly built store.
Difficulty: Normal
Official Challenge Description: “Sanity is a scarce resource with no pills or lights. Be careful finding this Nightmare ghost.”
What is Phasmophobia's Tortoise and the Hare challenge?
One specific challenge that may prove difficult to work out is the Tortoise and the Hare. In this challenge, players are given just under 7 days to complete three tasks, and successful completion rewards a massive amount of XP and $5000, which can be used to purchase equipment in the game’s cumbersome store.
You may be wondering about the precise mechanics of the Tortoise and the Hare challenge. Based on our gameplay experience, we’ve observed that the ghost’s speed receives roughly a 25% boost, while a similar margin reduces your speed.
Interestingly, the dynamics of the challenge can vary depending on the version Kinetic Games has set; for instance, last week, the ghost was slower, and the player was much faster. All the necessary equipment is available for this challenge, except for the lower-tier torches.
The challenge needs to take place at Grafton Farmhouse. All three evidence pieces are required before you can successfully finish the challenge, and remember that you will need to do this three times before you unlock the XP and money rewards.
What is Phasmophobia's Do as I Command Challenge
This challenge gives you plenty of equipment, but you will want to use cursed items like the Mirror or the Ouija Board to make it much more manageable. You will need these to locate the ghost’s room. You can find the Ouija Board in the chapel of Sunny Meadows. We recommend packing some sanity pills!
Difficulty: Normal
Official Challenge Description: “You’ll have to force this ghost to give you evidence, luckily, we’ve found some extra items to help you out.”
What is Phasmophobia's Frostbitten Challenge
This distinctive challenge eliminates the fuse box/generator, reducing the player’s and the ghost’s movement speed to a crawl. Camp Woodwind is snowed in. It will be dark because you won’t have access to strong flashlights or a lighter. Everything else is available. Sanity pills are super, giving you 100%.
Difficulty: Easy but time consuming
Official Challenge Description: “There’s a very quiet ghost hiding somewhere, can you find it?” It’s so cold that it’s slowing eve everyone down, including the ghost!
What is Phasmophobia's Hide and Seek: Seeker Challenge
In this challenge, you must closely observe the ghosts’ behaviors to locate the room. The ghost won’t start any hunts, and your sanity doesn’t drain in this challenge. This is a perfect challenge for amateur hunters as it doesn’t pose much danger, as you can’t die that easily. Unfortunately, it’s on the Brownstone High School, making locating the ghost quite tricky because it’s such a big area. It’s a friendly ghost, so it’ll be like finding Casper.
Difficulty: Easy but time consuming
Official Challenge Description: “There’s a very quiet ghost hiding somewhere, can you find it?”
What is Phasmophobia's Detectives only Challenge
In this challenge, you must pay close attention to the ghosts’ behaviors during hunts and strategically deploy items to provoke events that allow you to study their movements. This task may prove challenging for those new to the game, especially when identifying ghost types without the usual equipment. One key thing to remember is that most ghost types will flip over the diary, making ghostwriting pretty useless for this challenge.
Difficulty: Extremely Hard
Official Challenge Description: “Put your detective skills to the test, this ghost is giving nothing away!”
What is Phasmophobia's Tag! You're It! Challenge
In this mode, players must identify and avoid perma ghost hunts while continuing to gather evidence and complete their usual investigative tasks. Here are the rules:
- Brownstone School
- 0 Sanity
- Use a mix of Tier 1 items.
- Run Speed is much faster, perhaps set at 150%
We would say that this is a moderately difficult hunt for most Ghost Hunters.
Official Challenge Description: “The ghost will chase you immediately, better get running!”
What is Phasmophobia's Deja Vu Challenge
In this challenge, you’ll be investigating the haunted 6 Tanglewood location under modified Professional difficulty settings. Here are the rules:
- No sprinting allowed.
- No DOTS projector can be used.
- Use a mix of Tier 1 and Tier 2 items.
We would say that this is an easy challenge for most Ghost Hunters.
Official Challenge Description: “This one feels pretty nostalgic, don’t you think?”
What is Phasmophobia's Glow in the Dark Challenge
Glow in the Dark is set to a Professional difficulty, with Tier 1 items at the 42 Edgefield location. You can only use Glowsticks as a light source as there are no torches, candles, or cameras.
This challenge is relatively easy. The countdown timer starts at zero, but you begin with 100% sanity, giving you ample time to set up the limited equipment you have.
Official Challenge Description: Some of your equipment has stopped working, hopefully, this’ll be enough for you to see.
What is Phasmophobia's Hide and Seek Extreme Challenge
Hide and Seek Extreme is a moderately difficult challenge, it only gives you a mix of T1 and T2 items, and the ghost has a speed rate of 150, making it fast. You will have a minute to set up all your equipment safely.
Torches and UV lights won’t work, so don’t bother equipping these items; you won’t have access to sanity items. Camp Woodwind is a good map for loops, so you can see how the ghost moves and appears, but just be careful! You don’t lose equipment in challenges, so have fun experimenting.
Official Challenge Description: The ghost wants to play a game, you better hide. Correctly find the ghost type in Camp Woodwind.
What is Phasmophobia's Paranormal Paparazzi Challenge
Paranormal Paparazzi takes place at Bleasdale Farmhouse, with equipment primarily consisting of sound sensors, cameras, lights, and Spirit Boxes. UV lights are also available, providing a good mixture of equipment with different tiers.
The difficulty appears on a modified intermediate setting, with two minutes on the clock so you can set up equipment. It’s not going to be too tricky this challenge, just use the four sound sensors to find what room the ghost is in, and start from there. Complete it three times and you’ve got the $5000 price. Good luck!
Official Challenge Description: You’ve got cameras, light, and sound. Find that ghost type!
What is Phasmophobia's Slow and Steady Challenge
Participants have slightly less than a week to accomplish three ghost hunts in this Phasmophobia challenge. Those who emerge victorious are rewarded handsomely with a substantial XP boost and $5000 in-game currency, which can be spent on gear in the game’s cumbersome store. The challenge will run from the 13th of November until the 20th of November. Set in the eerie environs of Camp Woodwind, this mission ups the ante with a modified professional difficulty level, ensuring all equipment is Tier 1.
A 50% reduction hinders the spectral adversary you face in speed, yet the stakes remain high as you navigate the haunting with a persistent 0% sanity level. Brace yourself for a chilling hunt where agility is key, and remember: the ghost’s sluggish pace belies a seething rage.
“The Ghost may be slow, but it’s angry. Keep on your toes!”
What is Phasmophobia's The Apocalypse Draws Near Challenge
The difficulty is set to Apocalypse level 3 on the Sunny Meadows Restricted map. All available items are Tier 3. The area in this map is much smaller than the normal Sunny Meadows, so you should find locating the ghost a bit easier, at least.
Difficulty: Hardest
Official Challenge Description: “The hardest possible challenge, but with normal investigator speed. Good luck.”
What is Phasmophobia's No Evidence Challenge
No Evidence challenges at Grafton Farmhouse can be daunting, especially when equipped primarily with tier 2 gear. These challenges feature an immediate start to ghost hunts once your sanity falls below 50%, as there is no grace period with the timer set to zero. Here are some strategies to identify specific ghosts:
- Use a camera to capture Phantom appearances during ghost events.
- Employ crucifixes and candles to test for Demon activity.
- Set up a video camera to spot Mimic ghost orbs.
- Place an EMF reader near the breaker to detect Jinn abilities.
- Lay down salt to identify traces of a Wraith.
Remember to carry a protective item. You will have access to a Crucifix, Salt, and Incense for defense.
Difficulty: Hard
Official Challenge Description: “These ghosts really don’t wanna help you out, but we’re sure you’re up to the task”
What is Phasmophobia's Technophilia Challenge
Technophilia challenges ghost hunters to explore Bleasdale Farmhouse without using any outdated equipment. You can access all Tier 3 items except the Crucifix, Incense, Ghost Writing Book, and Lamps or Lighter. The difficulty is set to Professional. Use the Tarot Cards as the Cursed Possession Item for this relatively easy mission. Sanity starts at 100%.
Difficulty: Easy
Official Challenge Description: “We’ve thrown out all of those prehistoric items, this contract is all about technology!”
What is Phasmophobia's Audio Only Challenge
This week’s challenge is particularly tricky as it takes place in Sunny Meadows, one of the largest maps in the game, and you are limited to using only audio-based equipment. You won’t have access to the EMF Reader or the Thermometer, but you will be able to use the Ghost Writing Book.
Listen out for sounds and wait for a hunt to find the ghost’s location. The difficulty appears to be on Amateur, so you may be waiting a while for your sanity to drop.
Difficulty: Hard
Official Challenge Description: “We’ve managed to get hold of some extra audio equipment. You’ll have to use your ears on this one.”
What is Phasmophobia's Missed Delivery Challenge
The Missed Delivery challenge requires players to find a ghost in Brownstone High School. With the hunt cooldown period set to zero, the ghost can start hunting when your sanity drops below 50%. This strategy is highly effective for locating ghosts on large maps: let the ghost initiate a hunt and pay attention to its location by listening closely.
Equipment is limited in this challenge; you’re provided with just one of each item, predominantly basic tier 1 gear.
Difficulty: Moderate
Official Challenge Description: “We didn’t receive our full equipment delivery this week, so you won’t have everything you might need!”
What is Phasmophobia's Vulnerable Challenge
The Vulnerable Challenge in Phasmophobia is a weekly challenge that leaves you with no defenses so you won’t have access to items like the Sanity Pills, Crucifix, and Incense, but you can still use Salt. You will need to find the ghost in 13 Willow Street three times before you can be rewarded with $5000 to spend in the game’s store.
Difficulty: Easy
Official Challenge Description: You’ll be going into this one with no defenses, be careful out there.
What is Phasmophobia's Primitive Challenge
The Primitive Challenge strips you of the electronic equipment on your list, so hunting may feel a little primitive. However, it’s a fun challenge located at 10 Ridgeview Court. You have defensive items, and the Tier 3 Diary will be your best method of finding the ghost.
Difficulty: Moderate
Official Challenge Description: “I’m afraid all electronic equipment has short-circuited, you’ll have to make do without.”
What is Phasmophobia's Survival of the Fittest Challenge
The Survival of the Fittest Challenge ranks among the toughest, challenging even the most seasoned players. Tasked with identifying the ghost at 42 Edgefield Road, you will have no Sanity Pills, start with depleted sanity, and lack evidence to work with. The ghost will begin hunting almost immediately, so take extreme caution. It’s crucial to identify potential hiding spots quickly. Bring a smudge stick to deter the ghost if it discovers you, and familiarize yourself with the locations where hunts typically start. Strategically placing your Crucifix near the hunt spawn can buy you precious time to set up and place your equipment.
Difficulty: Hardest
Official Challenge Description: “You’ve got no pills, no sanity or evidence to work with. It’s going to be a tough one!”
What is Phasmophobia's Hide and Seek: Seeker Challenge
In this challenge, you must pay close attention to the ghosts’ behaviors to locate the room it’s haunting, as it won’t start any hunts as your sanity doesn’t drain in this challenge. This is a perfect challenge for amateur hunters as it doesn’t pose much of a challenge because you aren’t going to die very often. Unfortunately, it’s on the Brownstone High School, which can make the ghost quite tricky to find because it’s such a big area. It’s like hunting for Casper…
Difficulty: Easy but time consuming
Official Challenge Description: “There’s a very quiet ghost hiding somewhere, can you find it?”
What is Phasmophobia's Lights Out Challenge
In this challenge, all the lights in the location are out, and players must rely on candles and other light sources they can carry. The fuse box is broken, and all light bulbs and lamps are inoperable, making the environment significantly darker and more terrifying. This challenge tests players’ ability to navigate and investigate in near-total darkness, adding an extra layer of difficulty and suspense to the game.
Difficulty: Moderate
Official Challenge Description: “Get your candles at the ready, all the lights are out!”
What is Phasmophobia's Technophilia Challenge
Technophilia challenges ghost hunters to explore Bleasdale Farmhouse without using any outdated equipment. You will have access to all Tier 3 items except the Crucifix, Incense, Ghost Writing Book, and Lamps or Lighter. The difficulty is set to Professional. Make use of the Tarot Cards as the Cursed Possession Item for this relatively easy mission.
“We’ve thrown out all of those prehistoric items, this contract is all about technology!”
What is Phasmophobia's Missed Delivery Challenge
The Missed Delivery challenge requires players to find a ghost in Brownstone High School. With the hunt cooldown period set to zero, the ghost can start hunting the moment your sanity drops below 50%. This strategy is highly effective for locating ghosts in large maps: let the ghost initiate a hunt and pay attention to its location by listening closely.
Equipment is limited in this challenge; you’re provided with just one of each item, and it’s predominantly basic, tier 1 gear.
“We didn’t receive our full equipment delivery this week, so you won’t have everything you might need!”
Have you given it a go yet? You’ll have just 7 days to complete this week’s challenge.
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