Publisher Games Operators and developer Serious Sim have announced that Radio Commander VR is slated to release on the HTC Vive in Q1 2021.
Set during the Vietnam War, Radio Commander VR aims to provide a more immersive experience of leading troops from the command tent using just a radio and a map.
Similar to the PC version, you’ll find yourself physically far from combat, albeit with a deciding role in its outcome. Radio Commander VR will see players relying on situation reports to figure out not just their troops’ position but also the best way to proceed with their missions.
Radio Commander VR HTC Vive Release
It’s up to you to fulfill your objectives but also to decide when it’s best to evacuate troops, provide artillery support or drop napalm on the opposition.
Just as you can successfully lead your troops to victory, a set of poor choices can result in your squad being wiped out.
You’ll need to look after your soldiers’ morale and stamina while making sure they’re well supplied and trust your ability to see them through.
In addition, Radio Commander VR doesn’t steer clear of tackling topics like “the righteousness of your actions, the price of human life, and the toxic power of propaganda and stereotypes”.
“Since day one, we’ve dreamed about a VR version of Radio Commander. Our goal was to offer players the most realistic and immersive Vietnam War experience on the market, and finally, VR technology gave us that chance. We’re putting the player right in the heart of the action – the center of the South Vietnam of the ’60s, into a commander’s tent, where he can control US troops fighting with the enemy,”, said developers Jakub Bukała.
“Gamers will be able to look around the tent and the base, lean over the map, move their tokens manually, and operate the radio. In other words, they really become the true Radio Commander”, he continued.
You can follow and wishlist Radio Commander VR on Steam ahead of its HTC Vive release in 2021, and check out its newest trailer below.
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