Rainbow Six Siege has received a substantial title update, Rainbow Six Siege Y3S4.2 patch, which is mostly concerned with providing a considerable balance pass that the game required.
Rainbow Six Siege Y3S4.2 update also brings with it a number of fixes both general and specific, some of which have been a long-time coming. Not aching for content, Siege's latest bug fixing pass is quite impressive indeed.
Rainbow Six Siege Y3S4.2 Update Patch Notes
Ubisoft has provided a thorough breakdown of what exactly this latest update revamps in regard to Operator balance, and they've done so in a dedicated blog post, which you can go and check at your own behest.
Here you'll find a short summary of the things that are changing with Update Y3S4.2:
-Visual graphics glitch that impairs player sight. (Also known as the "Bird Box" glitch)
-Defusing at the last moment will not stop the round timer and prevents the round from ending.
-Players can become immune to Stun/Flashbang effects after being stunned multiple times in THunt.
-Users in a PVE squad session can be stuck in an infinite loading screen after voting to retry.
-Players sometimes receive a [2-0x00009008] Game Full error in Casual matchmaking.
The entirety of Y3S4.2's changelog can be found on Ubisoft's blog, and it's a bit of a lengthy read, with the vast majority of the list being bug fixes, or details about the balance pass we've mentioned before.
With an assortment of damage buffs, nerfs, ADS revamps, and other similar changes, Siege's meta may shift yet once more, and no better way for you to keep up, short of reading what Ubisoft has got cooking.