Resident Evil Village’s Moreau boss fight pits Ethan against the most disgusting enemy he’s probably ever faced. The third lord might seem like a pushover when you first meet him, but that all changes once you see him in his final form.
Just like Lady Dimitrescu turns into a massive dragon for her final encounter, so does Moreau transform into a massive fish creature for his boss fight. He actually hounds you earlier in Resident Evil Village, as you make your way across his Reservoir.
You’ll fight him in a flat area with several buildings around you. Take note of their makeshift roof extensions as they’ll both save your life and house ammo underneath. Once the massive fish comes after you, you’ll notice that Moreau is sitting all cozy inside the creature’s mouth.
His human body is the weak spot, just like with Lady Dimitrescu, so fill it with lead. While Moreau himself is a passive observer during this Resident Evil Village boss fight, the fish uses both melee charges and a long-range attack in which he spews corrosive vomit in a straight line. Look out for these and avoid them.
More importantly, watch out for when he climbs on top of the buildings. This is when you want to find shelter, since he’s about to rain down corrosive acid on the entire area. During this attack, he’ll also bring up the mucky barriers you’ve already dealt with before. A pipe bomb or grenade launcher works wonders against them.
Keep avoiding his attacks while shooting him as much as you can and you’ll eventually beat Resident Evil Village’s Moreau boss fight. For more on Capcom’s latest effort, drop by our guides on crafting and the Film Projector puzzle.
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