Return to Monkey Island marks the unexpected return of a point-and-click adventure classic, reuniting players with famed pirate Guybrush Threepwood alongside many other new and familiar faces. If the title happens to be on your radar but your hardware is a bit behind the times, chances are you’re wondering if Nvidia GeForce Now support might be planned for launch.
Return to Monkey Island’s availability on GeForce Now would essentially mean that you’d be able to play the game without ever worrying about your PC specs, provided you’re an active subscriber to Nvidia’s service and have access to a sturdy internet connection.
Return to Monkey Island Nvidia GeForce Now
Unfortunately, no signs currently point towards Return to Monkey Island becoming available on Nvidia’s cloud gaming service at launch.
- Return to Monkey Island Nvidia GeForce Now supports status: Unavailable at launch, may come later
The title wasn’t included in the blog post detailing the games set to join its library during September, which makes us think that we won’t see it there right at release.
Of course plans can change in the meantime and, if they don’t, the GeForce Now library gets refreshed constantly with both new and old games.
This means that Return to Monkey Island might make its way on there at a later date.
Whether or not that will happen, remains to be seen, but you can follow this article and the list linked in the second paragraph to stay up to date on the matter.
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