Risk of Rain 2's latest wacky and weird challenge includes suicidal hermit crabs and inventive ways of slaughtering innocent wildlife. Who wouldn't be up for Risk of Rain 2 The Demons and The Crabs?
The Demons and The Crabs Challenge is, in fact, a rather challenging task to accomplish for a variety of reasons we'll get into in the next part of the article, but the item it unlocks (Gesture of the Drowned) is quite curious, to say the least.
Risk of Rain 2 The Demons and The Crabs
Risk of Rain 2 The Demons and The Crabs calls for you to kill a grand total of 20 Hermit Crabs by chasing them off a cliff. Talk about hardcore achievements...
In any case, Hermit Crabs are the tower-like walkers that burrow themselves into the ground and fire explosive rubble at you. They only start to spawn after the fourth level, however, where there are no ledges present at all. What this means is that you're going to have to loop your run around to a level where there are cliffs and ledges present, and only then will you have the opportunity to start herding the poor buggers towards them.
This Challenge can, thankfully, be completed over multiple runs, and certain Prismatic Trial instances may provide you with modifiers to make your life easier. Gesture of the Drowned - your reward for completing The Demon and the Crabs - is an especially interesting Lunar item that cuts your Equipment cooldowns in half, but also triggers them as soon as possible.
In other Risk of Rain 2-related news, Hopoo Games, the developers of this wonderful little gem, have commented on what their future plans for ROR 2 will be. Lots more stuff coming our way, it seems.